新人スタッフが入社しました👍 担当は門番。忍びの者なので覆面をしていますが目元涼やかな、かなりのイケメンなのです✨
勤務初日から、早速お客様に記念撮影をせがまれる人気の彼📷 どうしても素顔が見たくて覆面を下ろすお客様続出ですが、彼、忍者なのでそこはご遠慮くださいね🤫 A new employee has joined the company.👍 He is a gatekeeper. Because he is a shinobi, it's masked, but he's a cool and handsome ✨ From the first day of work, he is a popular person who is asked to take commemorative photos immediately.📷 Many customers want to see his real face, and put his mask down, but he is a ninja and wants to keep his face secret. So don't look.🤫